Friday, May 10, 2013

Last Equipper Dinner

Last weekend we had our final meeting with the student leaders in our small group. We were brought to tears with laughter, reminisced and enjoyed one another's company one last time before the team changes for next year. We're sending two of our seniors (the guys in the back) off to Austin, TX and Springfield, MO and we're bringing up four younger students to help lead the team next year. Aimee and I are transitioning into coaching the group as Joe in Erica (in front) will be the new leaders.

It's been such a joy for Aimee and I to lead with these guys and girls. They have all grown a ton in their faith and are learning to be disciple-makers themselves. We've had a trying couple of year together but through all that, we've grown closer than any other student leadership team I've seen. So proud of these students!

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