Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Prayer Bombing : The Students

"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
MATTHEW 9:36-38

I continue to ask that you would join us in our prayer bombing. The enemy would have us derailed before we begin. This week we pray for the souls of our students. Specifically, we are asking that the Lord would work in the hearts of those who already go to The Rock and those we are meant to encounter early on.

Mon, July 25: Returning students would enter the semester connected to the Lord

Tues, July 26: Returning students would enter the semester outreach-minded

Wed, July 27: We would meet freshmen who are seeking the Lord in some capacity

Thur, July 28: We would meet solid freshmen who connect with The Rock early on

Fri, July 29: Students would be wise with their time in the first couple months

Sat, July 30: Students will be praying and reading the Word in first couple months

Sun, July 31: Freshmen Leadership Group
This is our Tuesday night discussion group lead by John. It has been used as a great way for freshmen new to The Rock and Mizzou to meet each other and share with one another their experiences and challenges.

Thank you for laboring with me in prayer. We are earnestly expecting great life change.

Take care,

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Prayer Bombing : Fall Outreach Events

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Ephesians 6:19

So often we get distracted by this world and lose sight of the battle that is going on for the souls of man. As Christians we can get written off easily as we are accused of putting the blinders up as we go through life. Sometimes we do need a reality check. There is more going on than meets the eye. We are in a war here and taking the sidelines is not an option we are given.

With that in mind, as a church we are recognizing the power of prayer as it relates to our battle in reaching the students at Mizzou for the kingdom. This is where I am grateful for you. I am imploring you to join us in a season of prayer leading up to the Fall Semester. Our pastor is calling it prayer bombing, reminding us of the battle taking place and the crucial role of prayer.

This week we are praying for our Fall Outreach Events. Each day, please join us in praying for a specific outreach event.

Mon, July 18 - Brady Survey Table
Our information table where students can give us contact info. This is an invaluable resource for us to meet new students.
Tues, July 19 - Canvas Group Follow up nights
We visit students who want to know more about The Rock and begin to build relationships started at the Brady Table.
Wed, July 20 - Rock Fall Concert
Another huge outreach event I am deeply involved in. This is a major chance to encounter hundreds of students.
Thur, July 21 - Pig Roast
Our first big gathering of the year, this is a main event we use to invite students to and sort of our welcome back party.
Fri, July 22 - Kick-off Rock
The first big worship service of the year.
Sat, July 23 - Kick-off canvas group
Our small groups meet for the first time.
Sun, July 24 - Posters, post-cards, football schedules, general advertising
We don't rely on these alone, but pray that God will use even the smallest things to introduce us to new students.

Each week I will post the prayer schedule. Thank you so much for joining me in prayer and for your support.

God bless,

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 2011 Prayer Letter

Hey everyone!

I'm excited to share with you about what is happening with us here at The Rock. In this letter, I share about some of our dreams for the Worship Team this year, a recap on our church's recent relief trip to Joplin and many things to pray for.

Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement and support. I pray this letter is an encouragement to you today.

Happy Fourth and God bless,