Monday, May 16, 2011

Summer Time at The Rock

This past Friday was the last day of finals, followed shortly after by a mass exodus of students and graduation ceremonies. (Side note: Aimee graduated on Friday with a Masters of Science in Education! Awesome!) So now I find myself at Dunn Bros Coffee preparing for the summer. Next to me is Aimee, pouring over her meteorology notes to finish the online class and next to us are Andrew and Kirstin Schulz, who have just moved back to Columbia to finishing their support trail this summer.

While I will be primarily raising support and taking care of the Worship Team this summer, I thought I'd share with you what we hope to do at The Rock this summer.

Worship Services
With roughly 30-40 students here for the summer, our services are downscaled and move to Thursdays (for the sake of so many people going out of town on the weekends). With Pastor John Drage at Colorado LT and Pastor Ed Courtney at our first Honduras LT, we ask local pastors who we have a relationship with to come and share with us each week.

Dessert Nights
Sundays, we have a weekly fellowship time where we have a potluck dessert night. It is closely followed by...

Bible Studies
Last summer, I lead a doctrine discussion group with two good friends, David and Michelle. This summer Michelle will be leading a bible study after our dessert nights.

Service Opportunities
Finally, we are currently looking for opportunities to serve in the community throughout the summer.

As for me, I will be involved with The Rock minimally, while focusing my efforts on raising support to increase my hours with The Rock for the upcoming school year. I will share more in my upcoming prayer letter!

Take care and thank you for your prayers and support,
Chris Swift

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