Monday, April 28, 2014

New Life

A few days ago I got a message on Facebook from Amy (dead center in the photo), a freshman girl who has been a part of our community group all year. It was a message to one of our new groups in which she shared with us that after church this Sunday, she was going to accept Christ. We all began writing back about how excited we were for her, proud of her and thankful for her friendship.

Just a few days ago I was talking with one of our girls who has been consistently meeting with Amy and continually been sharing the gospel with her. We were talking about how long it can take sometimes to see the fruit in our efforts to share Christ with others. I visited with Amy a couple months ago as we unpacked several things that had been holding her back from trusting Jesus. I remember thinking how close she was as that day she took one step closer to realizing that God is bigger than the objections that can really hang us up.

Then yesterday, while a crowd gathered outside after service, aided by John, she prayed aloud, declaring her trust in Jesus. It was a good day.

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