Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Prayer & Worship Night

There are a lot of things that a college student could be doing on a Friday night. You have a thousand pretty neutral options like hanging out with friends, having a movie night, going to see a show, etc. You have a lot of destructive options that I don't need to lay out for you. 

Then you have something a little different. You have our fifteen students coming over to our house, praying to see God show up in their lives and thanking him for who he is and what he's done. These students confessed to one another where they've been struggling and prayed for God's healing for each other. Then, after an hour or so of praying in different ways, our students gathered in our basement to sing to the Lord together.

Personally, I love it when nights like these are our leaders ideas because they have owned the vision that our community ought to be more than just good church kids hanging out all the time. They are intentional with how they serve our group and about getting us thinking upward and outward. 

It was a blast to be a part of the evening and to see our students lifting up praises, requests, thanksgiving and confessions up to the Lord last Friday night. I thought you'd be encouraged to hear about it!

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