Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What's Coming in April

It's Spring Break now, but we're on the verge of one of the busiest months of the school year here at The Rock. Here are some things hitting our calendar soon that you can be praying for.

Rock Appreciation Dinner
Each year, we Rock staff take a night to serve a nice dinner for all the student leaders in the church. It's a fun time to dress up (in costumes, of course. Our theme this year is Decades - we are the 20's) and celebrate the life of the church while thanking those who serve. Pray that those who serve us would feel appreciated and encouraged.

Equipper Retreat
Those who are looking to be a student leader in Canvas Groups next year will be taking a weekend away to dream about the fall and have a couple mini-workshops for building ministry skills. It's an awesome time to connect with those students who have caught the vision of bringing the kingdom to their campus. Pray that it would be a time for us to become more kingdom-minded and that new students would raise up as fully-devoted followers of Christ.

GCM Staff Conference
Missionaries from across the country will be heading to Ann Arbor, MI next week. I'm looking forward to seeing friends, hearing how the ministries are doing and being challenged in my service here. Pray that we would be refreshed and revitalized in our mission here.

Twice a year, The Rock has baptisms. Our next will be in a couple weeks. Please be praying for those students who have come to know the Lord to have the courage to share that publicly and participate in what the Lord calls us to after salvation. Also pray that we as a church would join in raising these young men and women up in the the faith as disciples.

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