Friday, July 25, 2014

Staff Retreat 2014

Last week, fifteen of us gathered in Estes Park, Colorado for our annual Staff Retreat. Five paid staff and 10 associate (or volunteer) staff. Our goals were to connect, dream, plan and seek the Lord together as we approach another school year. We sought the Lord in prayer, had some honest conversation and brainstormed about two big ideas we have for this upcoming school year that the Lord has put on our hearts.

Eating at Poppy's Pizza is a tradition for the staff to do once we get into Estes
It was Eliza's first cross-country trip and she did so well (except for those times she was scream crying through congested Denver traffic - that was not such a fun moment). We got to bring her to the place that Aimee and I became good friends and first had thoughts of being together. It was so cool to be there with her, looking around at all the mountains Aimee and I had climbed together and to sit on the porch of the administration building where we had had many meaningful conversations that were foundational in our relationship together.

A little putt-putt tournament with mountains as the backdrop

I'm grateful for another opportunity to visit Colorado and to be with our staff. It was a timely chance for me to get refreshed and to really get thinking about the Fall. 

Please be praying for...
  • Coffee Table. We're planning to pass out free coffee each week on campus as an opportunity to meet students and build relationships with those who wouldn't typically come to a church service. Please be praying that we solidify a spot on campus and develop this outreach opportunity well.
  • The Well. We're seeking the Lord about using a discipleship curriculum that many of our sister churches use. Please be praying if this is the right fit for us and how we could incorporate it into our schedule.
  • First Series. I'm currently leading the Creative Arts team in designing and dreaming through elements for our first series. Please be praying for creativity and clarity as we attempt to put the gospel on display for students at Mizzou this Fall.

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