Giving Information

The Need
Financial partnership with Great Commission Ministries is a huge need that you can help with. I have an account that I'm responsible for, enabling me to serve as a campus missionary at Mizzou. Please prayerfully consider if a regular or special gift is a way that God might be asking you to help further his kingdom. I take this honor very seriously and recognize each gift with thanks. There are two ways to get a gift set-up with GCM.

Online Giving
Go to
Click "Give Now"
Choose regular or special gift. These can be linked to a checking account or credit card. You will be asked to set up an account with GCM and the website should guide you from here!

Increase Your Gift
You can adjust your account at any time by logging into

Give By Check
Print out this form
Fill it out using my name and fund number (FD9311)
Send the completed form to:

Great Commission Ministries
11002 Lake Hart Drive, Suite 100
Orlando, FL  32832-0101

Be sure and make all checks out to: Great Commission Ministries
In the memo, write: FD9311

Thank You
Your partnership is so huge for me. I couldn't do what I do without people responding to God's prompting to give. Thank you for your faithfulness!