Thursday, March 6, 2014

Praise, Worship & Communion

Last week, I was in town for a few days and got to go to one of our mid-week services. We had about 120 students pack into a room to sing praise, take Communion and hear a student's testimony and devotion. I loved the chance to reconnect with some of the students I haven't seen a lot of this semester and to get to worship together.

I was so excited to hear one of our students, a long-time friend now, share about his struggles with trusting God through years of self-hatred and many other lies he's battled. It was thrilling to see him share some of his hardest struggles with the church and to hear him share about the truth that God has been speaking to him about his identity through close friends and staff in the church.

These student testimonies are one of the highlights of my month. To see someone boldly share how God has met them and what they have been learning provides a unique insight for the rest of our church. They aren't teachings or lessons, but stories that others can relate to and take hope from. For me, it reminds me that God is at work here and that what we're doing in our little church matters.

Please be praying for my friend who shared and for others that they may find hope from his story.

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