Monday, May 7, 2012

Pittsburgh Church Plant

This Fall, we will send out a team to officially plant a church at the University of Pittsburgh. In a partnership with our sister church at Michigan State, we our sending out Pastor Ed Courtney, staff members Bill Lautenschlager, Peggy Myers, Amanda Craven (currently support-raising), associate staff Melissa Fritts and a slew of alumni who were great leaders in our church.

We recognized the team at our last service of the year, this past Saturday. In October, we'll bring everyone back for a bigger send-off ceremony but for now we wanted to recognize that this was the last service many of them would be attending. We are so excited for this plant and yet it is obviously a time where we'll be grieving not having these guys and girls around next year.

If you'd like to follow the team on Facebook, you can go here

Please pray for:
- Jobs for our leaders who are not on staff.
- God to prepare the campus for his servants there.
- Safety of the students as they have received several bomb threats this year.
- Unity and purpose of the team as they prepare this huge task.

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