"For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
- Exodus 20:11
Aimee's Craft Sabbath
For Aimee, she rests best when releasing her creativity through various crafts. Felting, crocheting, decorating, or various other things that you might find in a Martha Stewart magazine, that stuff rejuvenates her. She's inviting other girls to join her every other week. This way, she can share her gifts, be intentional with girls and yet still guard herself to not have a commitment each week. There is no agenda but to enjoy each other's company and rest together.
Disc Golf Sundays
Thanks to my wife's genius move, I found myself wanting to do something similar. A goal of mine is to be more active this year. To mesh the two ideas, I have been gathering guys to go play disc golf. To play a full 18 is comparable to how long it takes the girls to craft. It's been a great way to casually get a bunch of guys together from across The Rock and to just have fun. Minus me potentially getting poison ivy from our last outing, it has been a refreshing and great way to connect with other guys.
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