Saturday, January 8, 2011

Memorizing Verses

"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Pastor John Drage picked out his "Top 99 Verses" about ten or so years ago and has presented students at our summer Leadership Training Program the challenge of memorizing them every summer ever since. He has always offered to throw a pizza party or buy them a 12-pack of their favorite soda. Back in 2007, when I was a GCM intern at LT I memorized the 99 verses. We didn't have a big party or anything but instead John asked me what it did for me to memorize 99 verses of Scripture.

For me, it started as a challenge, to see if I could stick to such a big goal for an entire summer. What an accomplishment, I thought, it would be to be able to rattle off that many verses. God had bigger plans as I found the verses would come to mind in conversation with people or as I faced major challenges. He took me on a path of knowing himself more as he revealed to me that his Word is so connected in how the overall story arch weaves in God's loving interaction with us.

Because of how powerful that summer was, I've challenged our core group to get cracking on the
same thing. I typed up John's verses a couple years ago to be printed out for just such an opportunity. Hopefully we will get them memorized by the end of the school year. We all have 15 to memorize over break and I'm praying that we can follow through. Imagine if four young men have the Word of God swimming through their minds as they continue to grow in their faith during this time.

If you'd like to join us or begin your own memorization plan, I've linked the verses for you. Click the picture at the top to download a pdf files. Print the file front and back and they will line up for you to cut out. To see a complete list, click the picture to the right.

I guarantee that if God's people memorize his Word and act to let it guide their lives, we will change the world.

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