Monday, October 29, 2012

Equipper Dinner

Aimee snagged a good picture of last night's Equipper Dinner, so I thought it'd be a great chance to share with you all! Typically, we have a meeting every Sunday evening with the student leaders in our Canvas Group (equippers) but this week we decided to take a break from the typical schedule and decided to have a nice taco dinner.

These seven students are such a blessing to Aimee and I. We don't just do church with them, we do life with them. I've seen God work in each one of their lives in ways that have set them on fire for him and in ways that have broken them to where all they have is dependence on him. Getting to have a meal together where we get to just enjoy each other (and have a nice little conversation about pre-destination) is just icing on the cake of getting to serve with them.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 2012 Prayer Letter

Hey everyone,

We have had quite a semester so far. I'm glad to share with you about some transitions and new opportunities coming our way as well as ways that the Lord has been moving in our church this year. Teaching opportunities, Redemption Ministry and other good stuff is in here. Click the picture to see the latest letter.

God bless,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Retreat Picture Smattering

Our Fall Retreat was 2 1/2 weeks ago and I still feel like I'm recovering from it a bit. We had a "world record" attendance (as John would say) of 151 students this year! We had canvas group competitions, three services with an awesome guest speaker and friend, a Thanksgiving meal, deep talks into the night, baptisms and time set aside where we encouraged students to meet with the Lord. Here are some pictures I swiped from Facebook!

Group shot!

My sister Anna (left) is a freshman at Mizzou this year!

Pastor Bryan Wiles (left) our guest speaker, and Pastor John Drage (right)

One of our six baptisms

Praying for our new brothers and sisters after the baptisms

Pretty sure this is just a game of Pictionary...?

One of our students shares what God has been doing in his life recently.

Fall Retreat Directors

All photos by Casey Batezel